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Quotation and coverage of costs

Qualified nutritional counseling (= preventive services according to § 20 SGB V for healthy people) and nutritional therapy (= medically prescribed services according to § 43 SGB V for illnesses) are so-called can-benefits of the health insurance companies, which means that statutory health insurance companies can give a subsidy to the consulting costs.

As a rule, three to five advisory units are approved annually, occasionally eight to ten. Depending on the health insurance company, the subsidy for initial consultation is 35 to 60 euros and for follow-up consultations 23 to 60 euros. The cost estimate (please download and enclose the certificate of nutritionist / QUETHEB) is usually processed by the health insurance companies within two to three days.

Many health insurance companies cover part of the costs if you present a medical certificate of necessity from your doctor. There are no additional costs for him, because issuing the medical certificate of need is budget-neutral. For more infos

Individual preventive consultations (without a doctor's prescription) are partially subsidized by the health insurance. Talk to your health insurance directly.

I would be happy to provide you with a cost estimate on request.

Forms and certificate for download


Dr. Irene Meliciani     

Tel. München: +49 (0)89 231 65973

                               +49 (0)15758878467

Brennerstr. 9, 85521 Ottobrunn

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